Financial Institutions & the Importance of AI Redaction
The Importance of AI Redaction in Banking

By Alisa Fetic

Financial institutions handle a treasure trove of sensitive information, making the importance of AI redaction impossible to ignore. 

Protecting sensitive information requires a more robust approach to data protection. 

AI-powered redaction provides this by securing confidential information and ensuring compliance with stringent regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Learn more about how these tools can support your financial institution below.


  • AI redaction helps protect sensitive information and ensures compliance with data protection laws like the GDPR and CCPA.
  • Transitioning from manual methods to AI-powered redaction offers greater accuracy, efficiency, and protection against human error in processing sensitive data.
  • AI redaction aids in adhering to data minimization requirements, ensuring financial institutions meet privacy regulations and protect customer information effectively.
  • AI technology is quickly transforming data security by quickly handling large volumes of unstructured data and electronic documents, which is essential in the fast-paced digital age.
  • Implementing AI redaction positions financial institutions to address evolving privacy risks and protect against data breaches more robustly.

Challenges of Manual Redaction for Financial Institutions

A bank's reputation is built on the trust of its clients. Customers entrust these institutions with, perhaps more than any other, saving their doctors. 

We make a point of highlighting this fact to illustrate the critical betrayal of this trust that is accidental disclosure due to human error in redaction—but it happens more often than is acceptable.

Some in the industry might refer to manual redaction as being defined using a pen, but this is not.

Whether you are using a pen or scrolling through Photoshop, scanning and redacting a document is manual if a person is responsible. 

It doesn't matter what tool they use to put the 'blank ink' on the document, and this is important for many reasons - especially for those trying to close deals at financial institutions. Here's why:

1. It's Tedious, Time-consuming Work

Now, this isn't to be overly sympathetic to whoever is tasked with the job - some work is tedious, and that's ok. The problem with redacting PII from SEC-required legal documents such as an IPO, for example, is that you are entrusting proprietary information contained in documents that are often thousands of pages long to a person.

The true margin for error here is far larger than what is acceptable for this type of information in this day and age. 

That's only one side of this particular challenge - the other is the strain it puts on resources in the department. It's not always viable to have personnel spending the hours they need to complete this task at home.

Even if staff are open to taking it home, it contributes to burnout, and with so many junior staff already in exodus, for this reason, it's incredibly impractical to waste valuable human resources on a task that a machine can now perform.

2. It Needs to be Read to be Redacted

When it comes to PII, one of the first fundamental rules is to reduce how much it is handled. Manual redaction means somebody has to physically read the document - which is acceptable as the ends justifies the means - but if there is an option that nullifies this requirement for an exception, it presents one less vulnerability.

Most CIOs and infosec professionals are aware of social engineering's powers as a device for breaching networks and data, and it should never be discarded as a threat.

3. You Have to Maintain Consistency and Uniformity

With diverse types of sensitive content spread over countless formats and repositories, manual redaction increases the risk of inconsistency, leading to non-compliance with strict regulatory standards. 

Inadequate redaction leads to data security risks and exposes institutions to legal issues and loss of client trust. This underlines the need for an automated, standardized approach to managing sensitive information efficiently and reliably.

In short: Banks risk damaging client trust through frequent human errors and lack of consistency in manual redaction, a process that is both labor-intensive and risky, regardless of the tools used. The immense pressure on resources and increased security breach risks make manual redaction obsolete in today's tech-driven environment.

Letting AI Redaction Reduce Resource Mismanagement

There are many areas where machines simply outperform people—redacting sensitive information for banks and the thousands of documents they process every day is one of them.

Let's examine some examples specific to the financial sector to gain a clearer picture of how AI redaction is making a difference.

Improving Compliance

As laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and, in California, the Consumer Protection and Privacy Act of California (CCPA) and their effects come into play, compliance becomes a key factor in an organization's bottom line and success.

Compliance costs financial institutions an average of $10,000 per employee; according to Deloitte, banks are estimated to have increased costs by more than 60% in this area.

It would make sense that financial institutions and their departments do everything they can to improve this number. Using artificial intelligence redaction to scan, discover sensitive data, and redact it is increasingly being seen as part of a healthy overarching compliance strategy. 

In short: Stiff compliance costs drive banks to AI redaction for better strategy and bottom-line improvement.

Better Resource-Efficiency

Financial institutions deal with a mountain of documents that contain PII. Let's take a look at a few examples and how they are costing departments money. When it comes to loans, credit, and debt, redaction is required in a number of places, and failure to do so is penalized.

A good place to start is when a lender needs to sell off a non-performing loan portfolio. Commercially sensitive, often proprietary information needs to be stricken from loan sale agreements and transfer deeds, as do PII - social security numbers, account numbers, names, etc., all need to be left out or blocked. 

This is also true when it comes to documents associated with debt collection. As the debts are purchased by a 3rd party collector, information that would uniquely identify debtors must be blocked out or replaced with large ranges of data instead.

When an institution wishes to make an initial public offering (IPO), the IPO must, as mentioned previously, be thoroughly redacted to ensure competitors can't access the information.

Rather than using personnel, AI redaction processes all of these critical documents faster, more thoroughly, and more accurately than a human can. As with the digital transformation, financial institutions that fail to efficiently adapt to the rigors of protecting consumers and sensitive data will suffer the consequences.

In short: Inefficient manual redaction of sensitive PII in financial documents risks penalties, but AI redaction offers a faster, more accurate solution.

Leverage AI Redaction Today

The technology is here to help departments keep up with these demands and enjoy the peace of mind and ability to perform higher-level tasks.

Take the first step towards impeccable compliance and improved efficiency—try iDox.ai's AI redaction service today, or contact our team if you have any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is AI Redaction, and Why Is It Important for Financial Institutions?

AI redaction uses artificial intelligence technologies to detect and obscure sensitive information in documents. 

Financial institutions have to maintain data protection, comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, and prevent data breaches. This safeguards client trust and the institution's reputation.

How Does AI Redaction Improve Upon Traditional Manual Redaction Methods?

AI redaction enhances the security and efficiency of the redaction process by eliminating human error, ensuring consistency, and reducing the time and resources required for manual review. 

It can handle large volumes of data and complex document types, from text files to audio and video recordings, much faster than manual methods.

Can AI Redaction Help Financial Institutions Comply With Data Protection Laws?

Yes, AI redaction can be a pivotal tool for financial institutions to ensure compliance with various data protection laws. 

By automatically identifying and redacting personal and financial information, AI ensures that documents adhere to the required data privacy and minimization standards, key components of laws like the GDPR and CCPA.

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