How the Royal College of Nursing Reduced Document Redaction time by 95%

Since its founding in 1916, the Royal College of Nursing has become the world's largest nursing union and professional body. Membership is close to half a million nurses, midwives, nursing support workers, and students working together to advance their profession. This member-led organization works collaboratively to:

  • Influence governments and other bodies
  • Improve working conditions
  • Campaign on issues to raise the profile of the nursing community.
In the spring of 2022, the Royal College of Nursing needed a solution to automate parts of their SAR process. A SAR is a request made by or on behalf of an individual under the GDPR mandates. The GDPR gives individuals the right access their personal information. These SARs are time sensitive and must be completed in 30 days or be subject to large fines.
The world's largest nursing union and professional body
Close to half a million nurses, midwives, nursing support workers and students working together to advance our profession.
The Redaction Process Prior to
The Royal College of Nursing needs to be able to swiftly respond to subject access requests on a regular basis. Typically, the number of documents from the requests could contain anywhere from   hundreds to thousands of pages . The redaction responsibility falls on the Information Governance Team.
Although, the Governance team had access to Microsoft’s eDiscovery, they found the redaction feature was unreliable. Since the redaction process was manual, it was time-consuming. The process was taking up to three hours to complete per request. This was not only taking up valuable resources and time, but there was also undue work stress. With tight deadlines, looming potential large fines, and no automated solution, it become necessary to find a better solution.
Why Royal College of Nursing Choose

In an effort to streamline redaction, there was search for an automated redaction solution. In this search for an automated solution, multiple redaction solutions were tested. According to Carl, what set apart from the competitors was its SPEED, STABILITY, and DESIGN.

Turning hours of internal document workflows to minutes instantly
Reliably scan documents with a 99% accuracy rate
An intuitive layout allowing users to quickly be up and running
The Difference has made for Royal College of Nursing

By moving to, RCN has increased productivity. Time spent manually redacting documents has been freed up to focus on more important tasks.

The average time spent redacting went from  180 minutes to less than 5 minutes . This amounts to a 97% savings in employee time! Now when a SAR is received, RCN can be confident that deadlines will be met.

When asked about RCN’s satisfaction with, the response was enthusiastic.

      I highly recommend to anybody who needs to go through the manual process of redaction. It is a brilliant interface that is stable, fast and user friendly. I tried many other redaction products and was head and shoulders above the rest.    
--Carl Bevan, Information Governance Officer, Royal College of Nursing