Ensuring HIPAA Compliance through Effective PHI Data Extraction

By Alisa Fetic

A healthcare organization must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to avoid civil or criminal penalties.

HIPPA acts as the national standard for protecting patient information in the US. This act was enacted in 1996 but has been amended several times due to ever-changing technological advancements.

The HIPAA Act mandates that healthcare organizations have the sole responsibility of safeguarding the privacy of patient information. And for healthcare organizations to meet and uphold HIPAA compliance, they must adhere to the extraction of protected health information from numerous sources.

This article delves into how healthcare organizations can attain and uphold compliance via PHI data extraction methods.

Employing Data Accuracy and Integrity

To ensure the safety of patient information, the accurate extraction of PHI from medical records and prescriptions should be strictly adhered to.

In addition, a healthcare organization should employ advanced technology such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to mitigate errors that arise from manual data entry.

Use Communication and Collaboration Technology That Is HIPAA Compliant

Numerous messaging and collaboration platforms have been specifically built to protect patient data. To mitigate cyber threats to electronic PHI, it only makes sense for medical practices to work with these platforms.

However, it is worth mentioning that not all platforms are designed to ensure patient privacy. To that end, only enterprise-grade mobile messaging platforms should be used. They can lock down digital communication through strong administrative controls and end-to-end encryption.

Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) reduces unauthorized personnel's access to electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI). Users employ a two-factor authentication method to access sensitive data. This usually involves entering their username and password and additional identifying factors, such as biometrics.

Provide Cyber Security Training

According to a recent report, most data breaches result from human error. To protect patient data, a healthcare organization should train its staff on cyber hygiene. The team, especially those interacting with patient data, should understand that healthcare data breaches have severe regulatory and financial consequences.

In that regard, part of the cyber security training should involve identifying, reporting, and stopping attacks. The staff should also be equipped with cyber security best practices, like:

●      Always use secure Wi-Fi

●      Attending to all mobile devices before leaving them

●      Using consumer-grade messaging apps

A Safe AI-Powered Data Privacy and Compliance Solution

If you are wondering how to discover and compare sensitive data within your healthcare organization's folders and document management systems while still adhering to HIPAA standards, iDox.ai has your back.

Our innovative solution demonstrates our commitment to maintaining the highest data security and patient privacy standards as required by HIPAA. We help organizations mitigate risks, streamline compliance, automate data discovery processes, and ensure that sensitive information remains protected and confidential.

When you partner with us, we strive to add value by ensuring a 99% accuracy rate, 95% time and cost savings.

Register for an upcoming demo to get a first-hand look at how iDox.ai can accelerate your healthcare organization.

Bottom Line

For a healthcare organization to achieve and uphold HIPAA compliance, adhering to PHI data extraction methods is indispensable. A healthcare organization can efficiently meet HIPAA's stringent rules and regulations by fostering a culture of using advanced technologies, prioritizing data security, and automating workflows.

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