How Redaction Technology Saves Money and Time: Streamlining Operations for Business Efficiency

Data hacking is the digital battlefield of the 21st century: hackers and malware creators constantly prize personally identifiable information about finances, phone numbers, medical records, and even social security numbers. The stakes are high for managing client data, given that risking your clients' privacy also risks their trust in you.

If you work in an industry where you need to protect a client's private information or just want to keep your documents safe, you might want to look into automated redaction tools.

iDox.ai provides excellent artificial intelligence-based redaction services at a reasonable cost. To learn more about what we can offer and why it matters, read on.

What is Automated Redaction Technology?

Redaction technology is software that can systematically and reliably scrub through your documents to remove—not hide—sensitive information. 

Redaction is a method that lawyers have used for years to hide confidential information in procedural documents. The government, too, uses redaction when responding to Freedom of Information Act requests, and so do medical institutions to protect sensitive data related to health records from unauthorized access.

Manual Redaction vs. Automatic Redaction: What’s the Difference?

Some organizations conduct their redactions manually, a process that is inherently time-consuming and prone to human error, especially when dealing with large volumes of documents. 

Each redaction task requires meticulous attention to detail, often demanding significant manual labor. This not only escalates the potential for mistakes but also leads to substantial expenditures of both time and money.

Over time, these processes have been streamlined by the introduction of redaction software

Automatic redaction of electronic documents can be much faster and more reliable than redaction done by humans. Instead of going through files line by line, worrying about mistakes, or running the risk of losing to data hackers in a high-speed race, more and more professionals are choosing to use redaction software to make file management easier, saving time and labor costs.

How Does Redaction Software Save Money?

Automated redaction software saves money primarily by automating the redaction process, reducing the time and resources required for manual redaction.

1. Efficiency

Automated redaction tools can process large volumes of documents quickly. They can be scaled according to the organization’s redaction needs without overburdening human labor, minimizing resource allocation, and guaranteeing thorough data protection.

2. Accuracy

Failure to protect privacy is thus quite costly. Human redactors are more likely to make mistakes than redaction software, and their labor costs are substantial. Courtesy of their greater accuracy, these tools minimize the risk of human error, ensuring that private data is properly concealed and eliminating the need for costly reworks.

3. Compliance

Redaction tools empower organizations to redact sensitive information diligently, aligning with regulatory compliance requirements such as those of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

They shield organizations from legal actions and the associated financial repercussions that can arise from the inadvertent exposure of confidential data.

4. Labor Costs

Redaction software reduces the need for manual labor. They cut down on the expenses associated with hiring additional staff for redaction tasks, especially when managing large datasets.

How Does Redaction Software Save Time?

If time is money, then money is time, right? Not only can redaction software save you money, as we described above, but it can also save you a significant amount of time spent on file management. 

Unlike a human redactor, who needs time to carefully peruse files and remove sensitive material, iDox.ai's redaction software can sanitize your documents instantly. The speed and efficiency of redaction software simply cannot be matched by a human redactor's skills.

As professionals working in fast-paced environments, most people would prefer to spend their time on the job using their advanced skillsets and accomplishing other tasks—not wasting time editing text files manually.

Rookie Redaction Mistakes to Pay Attention to

Redaction is no longer a low-tech process in 2024. Here are two rookie mistakes you should avoid when leveraging AI redaction software for your organization's needs.

1. Using Adobe or Similar Software to Attempt Redaction

Simple measures that may have worked in the past won't cut it in our advanced digital age. Tools not specifically developed for redaction (like Adobe, for example) put your data at risk.

Putting a mere black box overlay over the text doesn't remove the text itself, and even an inexperienced hacker can revise the redacted document to remove the black overlay and reveal the text beneath.

2. Assuming That Hackers Don't Have Software More Powerful Than Yours

Hackers can use software that processes thousands of documents to make educated guesses about the information you're attempting to obscure. Short of removing the information itself (which redaction technology can do), there's no way to prevent them from identifying your documents as the match they need.

Introducing iDox.ai: The Best Solution to Your Redaction Needs

These failures in data protection don't just stop with the hacker accessing your information; the fallout from data breaches can be very costly. Clients, coworkers, employees, and more can sue companies (or you!) for leaving their information insecure. 

While paying for redaction software can seem like an unnecessary expense, paying out in a lawsuit surely costs more than the software's fees. So, good redaction software saves money and protects privacy because it checks for quality. If you're still not sure, let us show you what iDox.ai can do: Request a demo.

Want to Learn More?

To learn more about iDox.ai's offerings, head on over to our website to review our subscription plans, read more about our security features, check out our blog, or learn more about our developers. 

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