Redacted Example: Examples of Redacted Text and Its Application
Example of Redaction

Redacting documents that contain sensitive information is non-negotiable if you handle customer data. The risks associated with an unredacted document falling into the wrong hands are too great—not to mention the issues falling short of compliance obligations creates.

This article provides real-life examples of redacted documents and text. We also discuss the redacted information each type of document typically conceals from the general public and the reasons why.

Four Examples of Redacted Text

The four example documents below contain redacted text. Each one demonstrates how a redaction software application like iDox.ai can keep your customer’s information private:

Example 1 - Legal Filings


During their day-to-day activities, law firms prepare and file legal documents when acting on their clients’ behalves in court. Typical examples of these court filings include motions, pleadings, and written addresses.

Some of these documents may contain information that the client or state may not want the general public to be privy to. For example, the redacted version of the court filing in the picture above conceals details like:

  • the nature of a defendant’s crime
  • the defendant’s name; and so on

In the above case, the redaction may have been done to protect the defendant’s identity. The unredacted portions of the motion reveal that the defendant testified against another set of defendants. The redaction may have obscured their identity to shield them from retribution.

iDox.ai offers a Redact tool as part of its software suite. Law firms can leverage the tool’s AI to accurately scan documents for any information that should be removed before it’s presented to the public. The tool can handle document redaction at scale while minimizing human error and freeing up valuable time.

Example 2 - Company Documents


Your organization likely has signed proposals, agreements, and other paperwork that it wouldn’t want its competitors to see. If it collects data from customers, it also contains sensitive customer details, such as financial account numbers, social security numbers, and so on.

Documents like the proposal pictured in the image above must be redacted to protect trade secrets and keep agreements confidential. iDox.ai is a document redaction software that specializes in concealing confidential information from business documents.

Our Redact tool can help your organization head off potentially catastrophic data leaks by using its powerful AI capabilities. It can also process the large volume of documents generated in the course of business activities and pinpoint the words that must be hidden.

Example 3 - Government Records


Government records typically contain highly classified data. The words and phrases within such documents may relate to national security, military capabilities, decisions taken in the national interest, and other information. They’re usually redacted to prevent the nation’s adversaries from gaining an advantage or to withhold information that would cause mass panic.

iDox.ai can redact any report or document that originates from a government agency. For example, it can obscure entire paragraphs like the ones in the memorandum pictured above. Our tool’s AI has been upgraded to a level where it can provide smarter dialogue. The tweaks made to this feature ensure that it can handle documents more quickly.

If your company stores government records, the Redact tool will keep your data safe, too. It features AES256 encryption compliance (SSL 2048-bit encryption) that secures a document during transmission. This technology keeps cyber criminals from stealing the data for their nefarious ends.

Example 4 - Medical Records


Regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) exist to protect a hospital patient’s privacy. As the medical record in the image above reveals, hospitals collect sensitive information when administering treatment.

Even though the example medical record has been partially redacted, one can still glean information like the patient’s history of drug use and past trauma. If only to protect their dignity, hospitals owe it to their patients to keep such data secure.

iDox.ai strives to tick all the HIPAA compliance checklist boxes. Our platform offers robust data discovery capabilities while helping hospitals streamline their HIPAA compliance efforts.

You can leverage iDox.ai’s advanced algorithms to automatically detect and categorize protected health information (PHI) in your establishment. When you find confidential data that requires protection, our Redact tool makes it easy to hide said information from all but those who need to know it.

iDox.ai Redact

As one of the leading document redaction software solutions, iDox.ai has a Redact Tool that can handle all of the document examples discussed above. To date, our tool has been used to redact 587,417 pages and is used by over 12,000 companies worldwide.

Redact can help your organization comply with privacy protection regulations like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and HIPAA. It also makes the redaction process seamless by offering features like:

  • One-click Redaction: Our easy-to-use software doesn’t require prior experience or technical prowess. You can begin redacting your documents with a single click.
  • Batch Processing - iDox.ai can redact multiple documents and files simultaneously, eliminating cumbersome individual redacts.
  • Redaction Profiles - Redaction profiles, such as “Medical” and “Sensitive Information”, speed up your redaction workflow by eliminating the need to specify the details to look for.
  • Collaboration - After redacting documents, you can share them with fellow iDox.ai users for review, ensuring your documents are thoroughly protected.

The above features and more make iDox.ai a must-have document redaction solution for any business that seriously takes its privacy protection obligations.

Final Thoughts

It’s wise to redact information you wouldn’t want to be made public from the documents and data in your custody.

iDox.ai’s Redact tool lets you redact information, documents, and text at scale. You can perform one-click searches for confidential information and have a redacted document within minutes. Sign up now to get a 7-day full-access trial.

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